Subject: Make it fun-BastardTurtle I have been reading tips at Pojo for a long time now, and I have decided to send in one that I think all duelists need to hear. Keep the game fun. If you like a card, play it. I am one of about ten duelists at my school, and we are some of the few duelists I know that still play the game in the way we want, the way we enjoy it. I myself have been playing and Exodia/FINAL deck with alot of really irritating effect monsters and irritating magic and traps, one of my favorites being my Fiber Jar. Then I have a friend that loves the Beast of Talwar, he has three in his deck, he has three where most people would have put a Summoned Skull, simply because he likes the card. So I just want to put it out that the game is meant to be fun, the fate of the world does not rest in your hands and your deck. A great way to keep things fun is to play your favorite cards, how many people out there actually have Harpie Lady decks? Few, right? But how many people like Harpie Lady? Alot. Its the same with Toons, alot of people like them, they just don't play them becuase it isn't very well accepted throughout the dueling world. If you play to play and have fun, play your favorite cards and have fun with it. Tyler,