Subject: Chaos Command Magician Combo - monkey_on_drugs There is a pretty interesting combo that I've noticed that the card reviewers apparantly didn't think was worth mentioning. This involves the Chaos Command Magician, and the "Spell" card Metalsilver Armor. First, I'll describe the two. Metalsilver armor says that the card it is attatched to is the only card that can be targeted by your opponent's targeting "Spell", Trap and Monster effects. Now, Chaos Command Magician's effect is that it negates all opponent targeting Monster effects that target it. Did you figure out the combo yet? If not, all you do is equip CCM with Metalsilver Armor, and watch as your opponent's MEB's, X-Foce, Dark Jeroid, etc. all turn into a big waste of time. I guess this combo would be really effective if you run into a mass targeting deck. Hope you found this tip useful. e-mail, Hatemail, Lovemail, snailmail (no, wait, not that one), any other kind of internet mail? send it to me at (after Dec.. Before, send it to Sincerely yours, monkey_on_drugs