Subject: The deplorable state of English decks (jk)-Yoonika To my imaginary loyal fans! HELLO! Actually, despite the title, this little post is about the deplorable state of English decks. I was going to a tourney one day (jap cards allowed) and I sat down with my buster blade/black magician combo deck to duel. (I won the tourney, for the record). EVERY SINGLE PERSON HAD A FRIGGIN GRAVITY BIND/CLOWN CONTROL DECK. (Their pathetic clowns were killed by my Psycho Shocker >:) ). What I am rambling on about, is everywhere I go, I see efficient, unorginal decks that someone copied from their friends. What has happened to the art of deckbuilding? Are people so lazy and want to win so much that they want to have a bland, unorginal, effecient deck? What I am desperatly putting into your minds is do stop, think, and sit down and make an orginal, fresh, flavorful deck that you constantly tweak and improve! Not only will this make you a better deckbuilder, it will prevent me from being bored as hell from dueling the same deck over and over! -By Yoonika Questions? Malicious comments? Email them to: