Subject: good Lava Golem combos-Big Bird First i would like to say that tis is my first tip so dont send me hate mail ok. Lava golem is a very good card to have in any deck other than stall and here are some cards that you can use to wipe out your opponent fast and easy. Combo#1 Cards needed:Lava Golem, Change of Heart, and Harpies Feather Duster, Heavy storm, or giant trunade. First of wipe out your opponents m/t with HFD.Hs,or GT and then if they have two monsters summon Lava Golem and use change of heart to get a direct attack taking a whopping 3000 life poitns away then in the next turn they lose an extra 1000lp for half or more of theit lp. Combo#2 Cards needed:Lava Golem,Ring of Desruction,Mask of Restrict, and Barrel behind the door First Summon lava golem to their feild and activate MoR. When two of you opponents turns have past use RoD and BBtD to inflict a devistating 8000Lp total. These are only a few of the Lava Golem combos that are out there, and I will keep trying to find them amd post them for all you fans out there. If you have a response e-mail me at John Dannaway