Subject: 3 rants for the price of 1-theevolutionist OK, this if this gets put up it will be my second time being posted ( third sent). I want to put a disclaimer right here: -I am not out to put anyone specific down, I am ranting towards groups. - I respect others right to rant and express their opinions. Now, get ready because this one may be a little long. First, STOP BASHING NEWBIES! We were all there at one point, just starting and not understanding the rules. Sure, their behavior may seem strange now, but think back to your first duel. Face it, you had no idea what you were doing! I garuntee that you were sitting there with the instruction manual right by your side. "Oh but little kids constantly get things wrong and use rules from the show!"... they're.... little... kids. Some of them probably can barely read, much less memorise every rule. So please don't get mad at them because they're a little sketchy on the rules. Besides, think about it- one day they could wind up beating you consistently, I know I've done it multiple times. For the record I am NOT a newbie. Next, STOP BASHING UPPERDECK! I know they have made some seemingly stupid choices, but think about it: without them you wouldn't be playing the game! If you are one of those people do the following: Get a job at Upperdeck, climb the corporate ladder while learning every trick of the trade, backstab your way into running the place, then change everything you don't like. (I know that was a run-on, I don't care) I'm sure that before they put the game on shelves they used these things called "Focus Groups"- say it with me FO-CU-S GR-OU-PS, and then they changed the game according to their suggestions. "Oh, but they think everyone who plays the game is like 7". Well, its called a target audience, thats who they aim the game and its products at. Think about it: The show is on the WB (where I live, I don' t know about anywhere else), you find cards everywhere that little kids go, and the cards cost just enough so that kids can spend their allowance on a pack of cards. " They changed Demon and Angel to Fiend and Fairy". Look as much as you may not mind, think about it, the reason they did that was because people who don't even play the game would protest it. Look at what happened with Pokemon, they were attacked for being satanic idols! Do you really want to go through that again? Last, STOP BASHING DECK TYPES JUST BECAUSE YOU DON"T LIKE THEM! I know that there are some bad deck types out there ( remembers his failed ritual deck) but don't hate a deck just beause you don't like the playing style. " Beatdowns are brainless" look, no matter what deck type you run it will take you some time to get the strategy down. Noone can just pick up a deck and run with it. Besides, even in beatdown there are variations. I used to run a opener beatdown wher i would use Man-Eater bugs and 4 star ladybugs of doom and then attack with my 1800's ( this was back before LON hit). People said that beatdowns died before I started playing (November 2002). Well that deck killed everyone sooner or later ( learning their strategy) and now I've moved on to bigger and better things ( DRAGON!). OK. my e-mail is Love, Hate, whatever, just don't send me a virus. If you have AIM- I'm theevolutionist2. See ya.