Subject: Not all good players are rich - by Alex A lot of people seem to be under the impression that anyone with good cards has a lot of money. I know someone who's parents have very bel ow average income, yet has every card from every set. My mother and stepfather have a pretty good income, though, and I do, have all the ca rds I need. Wait! Hold on a minute. There's a catch. I've bought every s ingle card I own myself, and obviously, as a teenager, I can't be rich. W hen you are careful, when you plan what you want from the game, when you get only the cards you need for your deck and not just cards you think are cool or at first glance are neat -ie; gate guardian set. make fri ends with good players, and ask them for deck help -- you'd be surprise d how easy it is to make a halfway decent deck. I'd be glad to help too. Just send on over an email. I know no rich players at my tournaments. All of the players have decent to above average income, but no one is e specially wealthy. Cards come cheap -- ask around. And again, you ca n always email me. Hope I didn't bore you out of your mind. Thanks for reading.. Alex - Please send feedback, it's always appreciated.