Subject: MagiKazoc's Trading for Dummies As anyone who read my Guide to Game Awareness (and that Top 10 list I sent in, Pojo, hint, hint), you know that I won't tell you which cards are good or bad. That's your call. The tips I give in are psychology (Hey Pojo, add in a card psychology section!!), an unseen driving force behind all games. However, the biggest driving force behind card games, is, well, the cards! And how do you get them? You trade! (Or you buy; read the 5 boxes tip please) And if you're a bad trader, you'll have a bad game. So, here are my trading tips. >Look them in the eye. Don't intimidate them, but try to make them think you know what you're doing. >Make an unfair offer. Not too unfair, but slanting in your favor. If they take it, great. If they don't... >Let them make the offer. Give them your trading cards. Keep the best ones to yourself. You'll see why. >KEEP AN EYE ON HIM! Don't let him keep your cards! | If he... |->Sees something he likes - Try to do trade just the card he needs for |->the one(s) you need. If he declines, add on some other cards, one by one. You may be able to get | rid of some bad cards this way. |->Doesn't see something he likes - Bring in the reserved card. That's |->your 'secret weapon'. Tell him that you don't really want to trade it, but you'll make an exception. >Use moderate pressure. Let him call the shots, but not be in complete control. Be firm. >If they think that they are ripping you off, the deal will be finished quickly. Try to give them a feeling of getting the better deal. >Try to get the deal over with quickly. If it lasts over a few minutes, it will "go stale" and they won't end up trading. >Different ages need different cards. Try to tempt younger children with rare, powerful cards, teenagers with mainstream cards (kycoo, etc) and older people with much-sought-after cards. >Remember, if you agreed and they agreed, and you're both happy afterward, the deal was fair. Don't feel guilty about "ripping off"people. Also, don't gloat, or they'll get suspicious! Good luck, MagiKazoc.