Subject: Argument over Best Types Of Decks part 1 - Blake J. (Xibition) Deck Combo's & Arguments Over Best Types Of Decks - Blake J. (Xibition) ---------- Ok...This is going to be my second report and first off I would like to say one thing. Get over the so called rich people... Their either truly rich by working hard or their poor because their children are spoiled brats. I Am Not bashing,I just dont like people dissing the rich. You may be jealous or you may be uptight but still. Its yugioh, remember its just a game. Plus their the ones wasting money on paper. ---------- Lets get Rolling... Here Are the Decks I am Going to argue Over this time... Yata-Garasu Lock-down Deck BeatDown Burner Weenie Rush (You people may call it something different) ---------- Yata-Garasu Lock-Down Deck- This deck contains lots of cards that makes your opponent discard. This is Actually a hand disruption deck until Yata-Garasu and etc. came around,but thats what makes this deck fun to play with. It contains Cards like Delinquent Duo, The Forceful Sentry,and Confiscation. Monsters cards are Yata-Garasu Of course,Spirit Reaper,White Magical Hat, Sangan, Witch of the black Forest, Exiled Force,and a Jinzo would be nice in one. This deck is the only type that can beat my beatdown. Beatdown Deck- Oh Boy!!! One of my Favs. even if you mix it up with Hand Disruption it still works wonders. Use Cards that clear the field. Magics are Raigeki,Dark Hole,and a premature or a snatch steal would also be good in this deck. Spear Dragon,GAF, Inj. Fairy Lily, and Monsters with outstanding effects. Burner Deck- Eeee...My Least Fav. Type of deck!!! I don't like decks that stall,so I take out my spears early and finish the game fast if I destroy their Gravity Bind or MoP. Put Cards that do damage with the effect of you gaining like Fire Princess. A lava golem would be good and even a combo like Barrel Behind The Door and Ring Of Destruction. Nimble Momonga's would go good with fire princess. Hinotama's and sparks help out too. Weenie Rush, Whatever they are...- This uses monsters that attack you lp directly like jinzo #7 and the other freaky cards :[ I do not like this type of deck either...Its soooo easy to beat its pathetic. Heh,the only tip im going to give you with this is that you should'nt run one if you have 1$ to buy a card off ebay or if you can even afford a pack of cards. Just don't run this... :x If you would like to email me my email is If you have mirc and want to talk my name is Xibition on their. I got to get some sleep now,l8tr