Subject: A replacement for Dragon Zombie in Gravity Bind Decks Hi, i'm ogre_of_magic and this is my first pojo tip. I am a huge Pojo fan however. the monster that i'm talking about in this tip is Frontier Wiseman His card specs: 3 stars Earth/Spellcaster/Effect LOD-022 As long as this card remains face-up on the field it negates the effects of Magic Cards that designate Warrior-Type Monsters on your side of the field as targets and destroys the magic card. ATK/1600 DEF/800 Now this card is a Dragon Zombie with perks. It has 800 more defense and an additional effect. It protects ur warriors from Magic Cards. So Raegiki, Dark Hole, Change of Heart, etc DO NOT work agnaist Warriors when this card is on the field. Warriors are common these days in Gravity Bind Decks with Dream Clowns, Hayabusa Knight, and Exiled Force. I use 2 of these myself in my Gravity Bind Deck in place of Dragon Zombie Props? Slops? Comments? Questions? Concerns? e-mail to -ogre_of_magic