Subject: tips for smart duelists-Ultimate duelist Since this is last week this month that pojo is accepting CCGtips from fans, I decided to write this "tip". Many duelists out there are wandering how is it possible that I keep loosing duels to less experienced players. The answer is simple, your opponent has some or most of the rarest, most powerful cards in the game. How did they get them? There are losts of answers. They might have got good cards in a pack, bought a starter deck, bought a box, wasted their money bying single cards off the internet, tricked some kids and gave them a bad trade, etc. All I'm trying to say is that you don't need all those "good" cards to win a duel, and you don't have to spend a whole lot of cash to get them either. If you need them that badly, then by them, but that doesn't guarantee you a victory at all. Only people with lots of money buy many cards, expecting to win. I simply by a few packs (2 or 3) whenever each set comes out. I can't wait till pharonic guardian comes out, but don't expect me to be bying 5 or 6 packs when it first comes out. I'd rather wait 1 or 2 weeks till the prices get cheaper. That's how I got all those good cards like pot of greed, dark hole, goblin attack force, raigeki, change of heart, airknight parshath, and imperial order. I got my other good cards by trading people who had like doubles of mirror force, etc. Looks like I'm really lucky, and I didn't buy any starter decks either. So my point is, don't waste all your money, or at least most of it on cards, because you could be spending it on things that will actually benefit you. P.S. This doesn't mean its bad to play Yu-gi-oh! If you have any comments, email me at: Ultimate duelist Post your free ad now! Yahoo! Canada Personals