Subject: Tips on building Exodia decks Everyone I am sorry but I overlooked a card in my first CCG tips on "How to Build a Warrior deck". I overlooked The Warrio Retuning Alive so remember that is a MUST in most warrior decks Well now I'm gonna give some advice on Exodia.. Firsts things first, in the current environment of Yu-Gi-Oh, Exodia is a very vulnerable deck. The staple in an Exodia deck is Fiber Jar IMO. When the Head or other parts are in the graveyard, this can bring it all back. Backup Soldier is also another staple. Skilled players can still make Exodia something to fear! With the release of the new sets, Exodia is pretty much dead. I mean Don Zaloog, Robbin' Goblin and even White Magical Hat are the real things you need to worry about. Watch out for Cofiscation, DD and Forceful, also. Cyber Jar can ruin everything as well. The real weakness to Exodia decks is the lack of surprise. Even if you win the first game, most if not all player's sidedecks are meant for Exodia. Thats why Prohibition is very useful because that one card could even cost the entire game. The choice between Def. and Off. Exodia is having the right cards benefiting you. IMO if you run a Off. you must have cards worthy to be called beatdown, but still let Exodia be the main source of victory. Def. on the other hand, must really be smart. Staples in a Def. are of course GB and MoP. I don't need to explain any of the combos (Backup and Painful etc.) because everyone knows them, but if you're smart you know to have all of your cards to be able to deck you out in like 5-8 turns and already have Exodia. IMPORTANT: Always keep an Exodia deck 40 cards, Off, or Def Having cards like Upstart and Jar of Greed useful. Most players already know this info. but this also helps in someway. Here is a sample Def. Exodia (Kinda more of stalling) Monsters: 13 [5] Exodia pieces [1] Fiber Jar [1] WoTBF [1] Sangan [2] Mystic Tomatoes [1 MEB [1] MoF [1] Exiled Force Magic: 16 [1] Monster Reborn [2] Shallow Grave [1] Painful Choice [2] MoP [1] Forceful Sentry (Eliminate their threats) [1] DD (Same as Above) [1] Confiscation (Same as Above) [1] Premature Burial [1] Graceful Charity (Restrictions ARGH) [1] PoG [1] Swords [1] Raigeki [1] HFD [1] U. Goblin Traps:11 [1] CoTH [1] Ring [1] Cylinder [2] Gravity Binds [1] Mirror Force [1] IO [2] Backup Soldiers [2] Jar Of Greed Sidedeck Really only thing you need are 3 Prohibitions. That's then end of that chapter. Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free, easy-to-use web site design software