Subject: Comment about the rich/ very good players yo ppl this is my first tip so dont flip if it sucks. Ok recently ive read a lot of the comments/tips about bashing the rich people and good players. I will say that there is nothing else i hate more then a kid/newb that comes in the store and buys like every high priced card from the class case, but as much as i hate these ppl i also love dominating them. If you are a good duelist and have fairly good cards you know the feeling of just beating the rich kids that act all good and suck. sum stories about rich kids (u can skip) 1) sum kid came into the store i play at with a nice leather jacket and seriously said and wuz bragging "im rich..." his mom buys him good cards but me n my "squad" just dominate him 2) there are a couple other kids at the store that get their parents to buy them every dam card they want from the case, one of them was asking the other the other day " so where do u buy your singles?" with a nerdy voice, i felt like slapping him n saying " good duelist dont usually buy from the case they take chances with pax, or trade/ play for keeps" and last sunday i had the enjoyment of beating one of them in the finals, it just made my day a whole lot better, sure he got me once but after that i just murdered him, the huge crowd around my duel also brought more shame to the kid for losing in the finals hahahaha. now back to the comment some of you ppl think that all good players, i meen great players are rich and spoiled. U R WRONG! Im tired of reading " all the good/rich kids are spoiled and hav everycard" " upper deck favors the rich ppl". of course one of the biggest card producers are gonna favor the rich, y do u think they are selling yu gi oh???? to make money!!!!!! duh, there not making it to make lil kids happy they are in it for the money!!!!!sure sum rich spoiled are good but dont think that all great players are spoiled/rich. take me for example not to brag, i won season 1 2 n 3, but am i rich??? NO! my dad works is a truck driver and my mom is a manager for a super market, i dont get allowance, my parents and i rarely buy packs. ( i only buy packs when they first come out or when i get prize money for winning a tournament) I am not spoiled, i got all my good cards like 3 gemini, 3 goblin, n all the other good stuff by trading and playing for keeps, the real way a duelist should obtain cards aside from buying pax (not multiple boxes). before a few months ago i didnt hav goblins or holo reborns or dark holes, i won about 1/4-1/2 of my new deck from the mall tour. me n my friends went down for a few days and played for keeps thats how we got our good decks. We ARE NOT RICH! SO STOP BASHING ALL THE GOOD PLAYERS BECAUSE THEY ARE RICH BECUZ THEY ARNT MAYBE U JUST SUCK! THANK U! -Kearns- if u got comments my email is aim: candiemansk710 1b0164ac.jpg