Subject: CC DECK VS BEATDOWNS-MaraudingCaptin It has come to my attention that no matter what cards are released beatdowns will always control the CCG. In my own opinion the next best deck is the famous Clown Control. I understand that the vital weakness is JInzo which most beatdowns have. but seein as how many new strong 3*** or lower monsters being released with every new set CC will make a comeback, it can only get strong as can beatdowns. With the 3 god cards i mean come on lets drop it they will never be tourny leagal and if they r the game will take a turn for the worst as did one fellow pojo fan say in hit tip on JULY 1st. ANother tip i always read is the richer gettin richer and the poorer gettin poorer. i understand that there are a lot of rich kids who can get ne card they want while us regular people have to buy packs and save money to do so and maybe just maybe get lucky and pull a card that is not Fatal Abacus or of course the other dreaded card we all get Jam Breeding Machine. NO matter if we wiegh the pack or drop it to hear it "THUNK" we most of times get screwed. But of course we have our days where we pull a GAF or A secret rare like Magical Cylinder or even Injection Fairy. The CCG will always be the same no matter what the secret rare or the ultra rare cards are us penny savin, back breakin for minimum wage,trade u my xtra Exiled and Necrofear for your Mirror Force, regular duelsits try we will always be second to those rich , daddy buy me this, all my $900 birthday money is goin towards 9 boxes of LON or LOD, snotty little kids. Also tourny behavior and attitude in my city is the best i have seen ever. i have gone to tournys here in san diego and twice in san antonio texas while i was visiting family. in texas they gave u dirty looks and would not shake hands before and after a duel. the little things that make the game fun and keeps your pissed off level to a minimum they didnt do and plus u didnt even get a Tourny pack they would give u the set before packet, cant wine cuz i pulled a cylinder and my cuz pulled a Nercrofear :) Here in san deigo not to brag of course the tourny enviorment is nice make u leave witha smile even if u got creamed. as long as this CCG playin attitude doesnt change and CC keeps gettin better this card game can keep goin for a long time. UNLIKE Digimon.LOL!!!!! by the way i have an extra Metalgreymon in case ne one wants to trade.:) hate mail, comments, jokes, trades for my metalgreymon, email me i dont care. -Manny- peace my fellow duelist