Subject: Building a GOOD warrior deck Well I have some advice on how to build one of the best warrior decks around... First of the staples in a warrior deck are obviously... Marauding Captain- The warrior lockdown Exiled Force- The destroyer Hayabusa Knight- The attacker Don Zaloog-The disruptor Those are the cards that should be in a warrior deck.. well if u don't have any MC, you won't have a warrior deck. Marauding Captain is the most important warrior there is. Freed is not really needed in a warrior deck, so it is not one of the mandatory warriors. GAF however is. Run 2-3 of these and thats your power. Fiend Megacyber is an optional card too. OK, I'm done with the warriors, just add your flip effects and there are your monsters. (Just because it's a warrior deck doesn't mean you can't add any lvl. 4 attackers. SPear Dragon is very good if you run at least 2) Ok on to the magic cards.. The most important magic card to run is Reinforcement of the Army. Since it is restricted to 2, then put 2 in your deck. Ok people don't realize the power of "The A. Forces" I mean imagine this... you play scapegoat.. HB is on the field. DNA Surgery set on warriors. 3 of TAF then you got HB with 4000 attck, 4 SGs with 3000 attack.. not too shabby Well those are the most important cards I cant think of. Here is a Sample Warrior-Deck Monsters [2]MC [2]Hayabusa Knight [1]Exiled Force [3]GAF [1]Freed [1] Fiend Megacyber [1]Cyber Jar [1]Magician of Faith [2]Don Zaloog [2]Spear Dragon [1] Sasuke Samurai ([1] Jinzo- If it is needed in your Meta Game) [1] WotBF Magic Monster Reborn CoH PoG Raigeki HFD Dark Hole Snatch Steal Premature Burial [2]TAF [2] RoTA UWS MP Axe [2] MST Traps Call Of the Haunted Magical Cylinder Ring Mirror Force T. Tribute My email is for all your comments and opininons. My name is T.j and good-bye Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free, easy-to-use web site design software