rsday, August 14, 2003 12:41 PM To: Bill Subject: Alex P's "people bashing new decks" rant and other random stuff Hi i'd just like to say some stuff, hopfully this is published and BTW people this a long post so grab an ice cold drink and get comfortable. anywayi'd just like to say why are people bashing original decks! it seems if you don't play a typeless beat down or clown control your deck it's considered to suck. my friend alex (yes same first name) plays a gradius light deck. people didn't seem to think it would work-well guess what it went 10-1 one tourny being eliminated in the semi's. i'm testing a new deck that no one seems to think will do good, a toon deck. tested it last tourny made top 8 and everyone kept asking me "how in the heck did you win at all with a toon deck!" well anyways i think i'm getting off subject, the point is because someone has a diffrent deck dosn't mean it's gonna suck. now onto some random things. i'd like to start by saying-people over obsess about jinzo! and to all those saying I suck cuz i think jinzo's over rated or i can't get one-I have one and i use it! anyways people over obsess this card WAY too much. people begin limiting their traps to 3-5. there are many game breaking traps that need to be given a chance. people jinzo is ONE card that is a SECRET rare that's restricted to ONE and requires a sacrafice a monster to get out. jinzo is a card to be feared and make you limit traps but not to an extreme. a good amount of traps to have is about 7 but if your trying to make a point don't play more than 10. Another random thing.... ok i know people feel sorry for little kids who get ripped off in a trade or get their cards stolen. but some aren't as defensless as you think. I remember 1 time around here there was a little kid who stole an injection fairy lily from my binder while i was trading. luckly one of my friend told me and after a long struggle I busted the kid got my injection back and got an extra 30 bucks from the kids mom cuz the kid bent the card. that's all folks! any questions comment or hate mail e-mail me at