Subject: A word on last turn In the past few weeks I've heard a number of comments infering it was not a good idea for a deck to be built around last turn . I severely dissagree . Last turn IS expensive and hard to handle , but the benifits of achieving these expectations of last turn reap sensational benifits . Here is a list of requirments to make a last turn deck work : 1.speed cards.Anywhere from drawing to fast defenses (probably a combonation of both).Note: this doesn't include the almost never used 2000 DEF monsters. that lower your life but can help you be in control of the game (ie: solemn judgement(SJ's) and delinquent duo) 3.last turn and jowgen the spiritualist. These are complete staples in a deck like this. understandiing of how the deck works .Be aware of the fact you want to lower your life quickly, but be in control of the game.It is very possible to do this.For instance, 3 SJ's used would mess up your opponent's plan and set you up for the last turn-jowgen combo.This instills a scary lockdown , your opponent fearing a SJ whenever they play a card ;especialy if your life is low.How do I know this? I've played this deck before. happy dueling!(fear solemn judgement!) Email is