protecting from bashings: Many people begin to bash some cards that they think blo like crap, even tho it could be ten times bettr than u think.Here r some guys that r bashed. The Beast of Talwar- This is one of the best Fiends, and on the CotD, he was being mocked cuz he had hi defense, and that he couyldnt be searched out by the Witch, first of all, it makes more sense for some1 to have hier defense, guys like Bite Shoes and Block Attack own guys like Summoned Skull and Jinzo, so wouldnt it make sense to be able to keep this guy around as long as u can, well its possible since his ATK and DEF are balanced, and people also complain u have to offer to bring him out, well its a hell of a lot bettr than having to offer two guys for a moronic Dark Magician or Red Eyes now isnt it, Red Eyes is ATK: 2400 DEF 2000 and a L7 wile the Talwar Beast is ATK: 2400 DEF: 2150 for L6, honestly decide wut is the best deal. and sure Summoned Skull is stronger, by 100 POINTS! big deal im sure there r equip cards that give an increase of more than 100 i think i dont know (sarcasm). Wen u talk about defense, and saying u wouldnt put high attacking monsters in defense, wut if at one time u did have to like for instance Curse of Fiend which switches the mode of ALL monsters to the opposite of wut the monster wus in at the standby phase of the owner of it. for gods sake a puny little tainted wisdom who has 1250 ATK could take out a defending summoned skull. I HAVE NO IDEA WHY ANYONE SAYS "O o but ur never gonna put it in defense mode riiiiight, so who cares if it has lower defense but hier atack", apparently the Beast of Talwar can save u, so its bettr to rethink the positive sides and compare it to other monsters b4 u judge an awesome monster like him. It just makes me laff that people said that he wasnt worth playing cuz summoned skull is apparently ALOT stronger, yeah by 100 POINTS. If I had him, He'd be rite in my deck. The Shadow Ghoul- This monster got a bad review just for having its positive effect. Look at it this way, ur opponent has no monsters on the field and its late in the game and both players have 8000 LP somehow and u have shadow ghoul with 4000+ ATK (would take 24 mons wich im sure all decks have). and u want 4000+ to win fast, and u remember u have a Deal of Phantom facedown (Effect is increase a selected mons ATK by 100 points for each mon in the grave until the end of the turn. Thats basically an instant win there. The idea of this monster is for him to be played late in the game wen nealry evry monster in ur deck is dead and ur opponent has a weeni judge man or buster blader or barrel dragon, im pretty sure shadow ghoul is cappable of killing them. sure hes susceptible to reverse trap, not many people play it cuz most people dont play any equips (that give increases, not like Snatch Steal). Besides, right now, next to pumpking and the dokurorider ritual, this is the best zombie rite now, cuz of its defense. U should also look at his positives before judging him. got problems, email at and Fiends monsters rule hahahaha