Subject: new deck idea- The Dark Duelist i thought about a new deck idea with the realease of lon. i call it my i get life points u loose lp deck. i know the name needs work but whatever. it consists of 3 fire princesses, and 3 cure mermaids, 3 gravity binds or three messanger of the peace (3 gb and 2 mop maybe), the staples, 3 skull lairs, lady of assailant (2 if u want but it gets very costly), 2 mask of brutality (if ur on a budget) or 2 axe of despair, 2 soul release, and 1 unhappy coffin, and 1 or 2 marie the fallen one, with mask or restrict, and one prohibitation, and one or two graveyard retribution. heres the deal, u play fire princess with cure mermaid with a gravity bind or mop and u just watch ur lp go up as ur opponents goes down. u can use hayabusa to atk with axe or mask. mask is good if ur on a budget (with this deck of course) because ur lp is constantly going up. u can add marie the fallen one to the graveyard with unhappy coffin to plus the lp boost. u can use skull lair in combination with graveyard retibution too kill ur opponents lp and their monsters. u can use probitation to ban heavy storm from use (wich this deck is weak against) u can use lady assailant to inflict more lp damage, too. u can use graveyard retribution in combination with soul release to cause more damgae. this deck is basically a combination of a costly burner and a heavy lp restoration deck. its very effective. The Dark Duelist