Subject: Clown Control Variety- Swizard This deck takes part of Clown Control, really without the clowns. I just don't need them for this part. Relinquished is killer with Gravity Bind as you might know. A lot of the time with heavy hitters it's the only one who can attack (and absorb). To help out I play Dancing Fairy and Spirit of the Breeze to gain 2000 LP each turn. I add the rest of my combo with Fairy Meteor Crush, Mirror Wall, and Light of Intervention. Now they can't hide their monsters so I can absorb the strongest. Mirror Wall cuts their attack in half if they're crazy enough to try it (and SotB and DF pay for its cost). With Fairy Meteor Crush even their DEF monsters aren't safe. This can be countered in all, but it works pretty well. e-mail me at: