A few Mystik Wok combos
Well, my articles are going well, so I thought I'd make a real CCG Tip based on my fave LP gain card, Mystik Wok. Here's a few good combos:

Mystik Wok + Skull Mark Ladybug

If you're smart, you'll increase your LP by SML's DEF, then another 1000 from its effect, giving you 2500 free LP.

Mystik Wok + Goblin Attack Force

After he attacks, you can use the Wok to gain 2300 LP and prevent Trampling. JUST DON'T USE THIS IF YOU'D HAVE NO MONSTERS LEFT!!!!!!

Here's the most difficult one:

Mystik Wok + Emergency Provisions + Pyramid of Light + Andro Sphinx + Sphinx Teleia + Theinen the Great Sphinx + Beserk Dragon + A Deal with Dark Ruler

Basically, do this:

1. Pay 1000 LP with PoL on the field to summon Andro and Teleia
2. Use Provisions to gain 1000 LP by sending PoL to the GY, losing Andro and Teleia in the process
3. Pay 500 to summon Theinen
4. Pay 500 to increase his ATK by 3000 and then attack with him
5. Use Wok to gain 6500 LP incase something goes wrong (i.e. Magic Cylinder)
6. If the attack worked, use Wok on MP2
7. Play ADwDR and summon Berserk Dragon

That's it. E-mail me at Testaros25@aol.com to ask me anything.