Wrom: VFVWRKJVZCMHVIBGDADRZFSQHYUC Hi, I'm new to the deuling game, but I do have some hot tips!! My first trick can inflict 3000 points of direct damage onto you opponents life points! What you do is you wait until you have the dark hole, Lord of D, Fule of the summoning dragon, and the Blue eyes white dragon in your hand (if you opponent has the blue eyes white dragon, than you can just have the Monster reborn card in place of all the ones mentioned above, except for Dark hole). Then play the dark hole and Summon the Blue eyes white dragon (either with the Lord of D and Flute of summoning dragon, or with the monster reborn card). When you attack, your opponent has nothing to defend with!! If you wanted, you could also attach something Drangon treasure to power it up. Signed New Deulist