Wrom: KJVZCMHVIBGDADRZFSQHY Subject: bart!!!!!!!!!!!!! physicsguyx90 top ten cards 10- laa jinn the mystical genie of the lamp- it has 1800 attack and 4 stars 9-acid trap hole- destroys face down monster with 200 or less def. 8- dark magician- it takes 2 tribute, but real simple to power up 7-trap hole- annoys opponent to tears 6-fissure- annoys oponnent to pain 5-summoned skull- please, enough said 4-regeki- opponents die it rules 3-BEWD- tooooooo good 2-swords of revieling light- gives plenty of time for attack force 1-monster reborn- the only card to keep me from losing in a duel, i draw it, and i win, i drew it, i won