From: Joker Dark []

Subject: Cards of the Week
Cards of the Week - Joker Dark
Trap Card of Week
Robbin Goblin (Continous Trap)
Each time 1 of your monsters inflicts damage to your opponent's
life points, 1 card is randomly selected from your opponent's hand
and discarded to the graveyard.
Normal Play: 6.25/10
Tournament Play: 5.5/10
    Hmmmmmm. Tricky card. On one hand, there are a lot of combos
with it, like Ultimate Offering to summon more monsters down
to make the opponent discard more cards from their hand. White
Magicial Hat with this card is another combo, but it stays on the
field, which means there is less space to place down other magic
or trap cards. Remember that too many continous traps on the field
can be a bad thing for you. So don't put too many of these in your
Magic Card of the Week
Germ Infection (Equipment Magic)
The ATK of a non Machine-Type monster equiped with this card is
decreased by 300 points at each of its standby phases.
Normal Play: 5/10
Tournament Play: 3.5/10
    Unlike Paralyzing Potion, this weakens their attack by 300 each standby phase,
which is before you draw. It also has the same weaknesses as Paralyzing Potion, but
their monster can still attack.  This card is only worth being put in a side deck. It really
should only be put to help a defensive deck survive attacks, but it still won't majorly
effect the game.
Monster  Card of the Week
Magician of Faith                          Light
FLIP: Select 1 magic card from your graveyard and return it to your hand.
Normal Play: 8.75/10
Tournament: 8/10
        Ignore its attack and defense. This is the only card that revives magic cards, so it
has some importance, especially to the restricted cards, like Raigeki, Pot of Greed, or
Monster Reborn. This card can majorly effect the game . With this as its only use if it had
a better attack or defense rating, then it would be restricted, so be glad it had those
You choose the next cards of the week, will it be:
Magic Jammer     Seven Tools of the Bandit    Horn of Heaven
Cheerful Coffin    Share the Pain    Stim Pack
Thousand Dragon   Jirai Gumo    Shadow Ghoul