Wrom: EMSFDULHPQQWOYIYZUNNYCGP Subject: correction on more tips-wartortle32 These are the correction for the tips posted on July 12th For Brownsound's tip: not entirely correct. You can reborn fusion monsters. however, those fusion monsters must have already been summoned by polymerizing the required monsters. If the fusion monster was created by an effect such as devil franklin, then it cannot be reborned. For Joey Kanuck's tip: Not even close to legal. FIrst of all you can't attack your own monster, clearly stated in the rulebook. What that means is that you cannot even attach ring of magnetism to the opponent's monsters because it is not a legal target if they cannot attack themselves. For Dan Wolff's tip: You cannot equip anything to monsters that are face down unless a card specifically allows you to. So you cannot equip a coccon of evolution to a petit moth that is face down. For Warulf's tip: There are so many things wrong with this... you cannot set a card and flip summon in on the same turn. Not even Ultimate offering will let you do that. That is not even close to how soul exchange works. Soul exchange lets you use your opponent's monsters as a tribute. You do not give your opponent s monster. If you were to give the immortal of thunder to your opponent (there are cards in japanese that will let you do this), the immortal of thunder still goes to your graveyard when it is killed, you you still lose 5000 LP. Mike and Ty's tip: first of all you have to tribute to set a faceless mage. second, like I said before, you cannot equip cards to face down monsters. On Raytell's rant: well you should first ask if the person oyu are dueling isusing Japanese cards or not. As for me, I've only recently switched over to Japanese cards. That's cause I'm plain sick of the high prices that are being carged for english boosters (7.00!!!), while the japanese are really cheap (1.75!!!). The cards in Japanese are so much better plus, there's no competition for the boosters cause hardly anyone buys them. For David Lourenco's tip: mostly correct, although that back door rule isn't legal. Monsters that have requirements for being special summoned must be met or they cannot be reborned. And fusion monsters must have been fused by their respective components before being reborned. As for Anosaphia Omnicrom: Unfortunaetly, your the one that is wrong. Not only is there a japanese ruling like that, this is a quote forom Upperdeck's FAQ "Discards/Monster Reborn Q: If I discard a high level monster from my hand to the Graveyard because of the 6-card hand limit or the effect of "Card Destruction", etc., can I use "Monster Reborn" to Special Summon it? A: Yes. You can Special Summon high level monsters in this manner. However, you cannot use "Monster Reborn" to Special Summon a Fusion Monster, a Ritual Monster or some special monsters like "Gate Guardian", etc. that were not initially Special Summoned in the normal manner and sent to the Graveyard." So there. You're wrong. and finally For CHONG's tip: minor correction, reove trap will not remove traps that are face down. That's all for now. Send your complaints, questions, or anything else (no viruses please) to wartortle32@yahoo.com wartortle32 __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Sign up for SBC Yahoo! Dial - First Month Free http://sbc.yahoo.com