Wrom: BXFGGMEPYOQKEDOTWFAO Subject: Yes you can! Ok, this tip has been posted to say that nick (Paulw@epix.com CCG Strategy posted on July 10 was FREAKING WRONG! You CAN use cards like card destruction and the cheerful coffin and then use monster reborn on them. Read the exact text from the official website. Special Summon of high level monsters by "Monster Reborn" Q: If I Special Summon a Level 5 or higher monster using "Monster Reborn", do I have to offer a Tribute for the monster? A: No. You can Special Summon a Level 5 or higher monster without offering a Tribute using "Monster Reborn", even when it is discarded from your hand to the Graveyard. However, you cannot use “Monster Reborn” to Special Summon a Fusion Monster, Ritual Monster or some special monsters like "Gate Guardian", etc. that were not initially Special Summoned in the normal manner and sent to the Graveyard. However, if these monsters were initially Special Summoned and destroyed in the normal way, you can use “Monster Reborn” to Special Summon them from the Graveyard. (http://www.upperdeckentertainment.com/yugioh/faq.asp) What this says is that you can use it to special summon normal monsters normally no matter how they died. BUT you can't revive a fusion monster or a ritual monster (things that require a certain monster sacrifices) when their sacrafices have not been paid (The fusion components, ritual sacrafices, Sanga of thunder, Kazejin, Suijin). And as for his comment about trap cards we don't have to look at the official website. It's in the basic rule book! You can Set these cards on the field and activate them at any time after the start of your opponent’s next turn. I don't know what possesed this guy but he should read the book before he preaches it. Tassadante Tassadante87@aol.com