Subject: Dungeons and Dragons - Dark Magician Created by: Dark Magician e-Mail: "" Dungeons and Dragons this deck is mostly warriors, dragons, fiends, beasts, and spellcasters. You Might call it a "Beat down" deck, but i call it Dungeons and dragon. It's supposed to wipe out all of your opponents cards easily ,the cards are mostly from "Legend of the Blue eyes white dragon series but some are from Metal Raiders. This deck is full powerful monsters, Magic, and Trap cards. no restricted and banned cards were used! Good Luck! Monsters: (20) 2x blue eyes dragon 2x swordstalker 2x dark magician 2x gaia fierce knight 2x pumpking 2x curse of dragon 2x judge man 2x gyagutenno megami 2x mask of darkness 2x man eater bug 1x summoned skull 1x rude kaiser 1x wall of illusions Magic: (13) 2x dark energy 2x book of secret arts 2x Remove trap 2x de-spell 2x castle of illusions 2x violet crystal 1x monster reborn 1x change of heart 1x swords of revealing light 1x legendary sword 1x dian keto cure master Trap: (11) 2x trap hole 2x waboku 2x reinforcements 2x reverse trap 1x ookazi 1x just desserts 1x dragon capture jar If you have any questions regardin' my deck or needs help eith their deck e-Mail me at "" _________________________________________________________________ Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device: