Subject: corrections on more tips - wartortle32 These are the corrections for the tips of August 26th. For's tip: Your opponent isn't able to use your Ultimate Offering anyways so you dont have to use remove trap on it. For Gamefreak's tip: you cant flip magician of faith in the same turn that you set it. For lfs018's correction: I am well aware of that quote from the rulebook. I didnt say you cannot equip magic cards to the opponent. I said ring of magnetism is a specific case where you are not allowed to do that. For master duelists' correction: Just because it's a japanese ruling doesn't mean that it doesn't apply here. These rules dont just pop up on whim. There is a reason that rule is part of the japanese ruling. The card says that the opponent must attacked the equipped monster. The rulebook says you cannot attack your own monster. So therefore, their monsters are not legal targets because they cannot attack themselves. For siegel's tip: once you tribute those 3 monsters, you cannot attack again because you have passed the battle phase. For]'s tip: Just desserts only applies for the opponent's monsters. Your own monsters dont calculate in the damage. So you cant do 7500 damage with Just Desserts. For Rabid Wombat's tip: That doesn't quite work. When you kill the immortal, you lose 5000LP because it goes to your graveyard. For Colton Porelle's tip: Lord of D. only protects from targeted effects. For Evan Hartshorn's tip: Actually, you are able to reborn fusion monsters if they were summoned normally. That's all for now. As usual, comments and questions are to be directed to __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Finance - Get real-time stock quotes