Subject: New Sets-Erich
The Game will get really hard once every card in japanese comes out, here is a list of some cards that will change   Yu-Gi-Oh:
God of Osirus: Invincible in ATK and DEF, with limitless hand( any amout of cards inhand) can power up over 10,000.(normally it's ATK and DEF are 3000-6000.)
God of Obetlisk: Destroys all opponent monsters, probally you will win the game immediatly when it enters play because it will deal 4000 direct damage to opponent.
God of Ra: To much ATK to be defeated in damage, not even fully powered zombies can withstand it.
Time Machine: Defense decks will be invincible with this, if monsters are destroyed, they return to play in same position every time.
Crush Card: Stops a lot of powerful monsters.
Mirror Wall: Cuts all opponent attacks in half. Combined with the laws of solem (skipping your Standby phase) you don't have to pay 2000 LP every standby phase.
And that was just about 6/500 other cards that will change the game. And old monsters like Blue eyes will become less frightening then a goldfish. ( Five God Dragon and Master of Dragon Knight will replace the fears.(5000/5000 with better effects))
So you need to keep up with sets to stay a Strong player.