Subject: "Learning and taking advantage of the Metagame - Andrew Lee" In tournament, and sometimes even casual play, the Metagame is a very important part of almost every ccg there is. What is the Metagame you ask? The Metagame are choices you make oustide of the actual games and tournaments. The Metagame is deciding what kind of deck to play, what cards to use, and thinking about what kind of cards your opponent would use, and to prepare for those cards. A good example from the show would be when Bandit Keith was observing the Yugi/Seto Kaiba battle to observe his enemie's strategies. The metagame isn't too hard to use in the American Yugioh Enviroment simply because there are not too many deck types yet, as in contrast to the Japanese Yugioh Enviroment, because we have released only a quantity equal to 4 series in the United States (those 4 being Japanese Legend of the Blue Eyes and Phantom God making up the US Legend of the Blue Eyes, and Japanese Metal Raiders and Revival of the Black Demon's Dragon making up US Metal Raiders. The Black Demon's Dragon, for your information, is Black Skull Dragon :-D ) With this in mind, using the metagame, we find out that the only decks that are worth using in tournaments at all are creature decks, exodia decks, and to a certain degree, defense decks, which are rather risky to run. Exodia and creature decks are by far more popular than defense decks, and in small tournaments with not a lot of big-cash players, Exodia decks can also be ruled out. Using the metagame here, if your going to a small tournament, you can not worry about Exodia decks when building a deck, though anti-exodia decks aren't terribly hard to make, but since i'm already talking about it, let's take a look at it. If your going to a tournament where you just know most everyone is playing an exodia deck, using the metagame, you would build a deck that completely revovles around nuking those kind of decks, because you figure if you can beat exodia decks, and most of the decks are exodia decks, you will be able to win most of the matches you play. Exodia decks are very trap heavy, effect creature heavy, and rely heavily on countertraps, specifically Magic Jammer. Without Magic Jammer, one Card Destruction can finish it. Draft in 7 Tools of the Bandit and Solemn Judgement, and focus your entire game on playing Card Destruction while having support from your own counter traps. If you pull it off, the only way he can win is if you only removed one of his exodia pieces, and monter reborn/hane hane it. Creature decks are a bit harder to predict, as there are so many. One of the easiest to counter would be, of course, the Gate Guardian decks. If you have Blue Eyes in your deck, the only creature in most Gate Guardian decks that can defeat it (unless they, for some reason, are playing Blue Eyes in the same deck as a Gate Guardian, which would be extremely stupid) is Gate Guardian itself. Just load up on Horn of Heavens and Tribute to the Doomed to nuke all the Gate Guardian pieces, and Gate Guardian will never make it to the board. A more powerful creature deck is the beatdown deck, relying on La Jinns and Dark Elves to destroy an opponent. This can be countered by heavy, heavy creature removal coupled with Lord of D / Flute of Summoning combo (this is actually a different kind of creature deck, and one of the most formidable ones). Some other creature decks rely on Catapult Turtle and Cannon Soldier. Horn of Heaven those cards, and those decks usually fall apart. Easy. Finally, we get to the really really troublesome creature deck. This is also a deck i like to use, and appears to be a fairly defense deck at first, and may even be mistaken for an exodia deck, for this deck's completely focused around Lord of D / Flute of Dragon Summoning. The other cards in it are just there to stall until you can get all the cards you need for the combo to appear in your hand (e.g. Magician of Faith/Swords of Revealing Light) and Big Eye can help a bit too. The heart of this deck is, of course, the Lord of D. Just save a trap hole until he flips over a Lord of D, and he's in trouble. Be sure to have a Magic Jammer on the field in case he wisely decides to try to Heavy Storm the field clear of Hazards. The only other creature deck are fusion decks and field/type decks (like zombie decks). Fusion decks won't really be powerful until the release of other cards, like Frakendevil. Defense decks are not very popular, especially with powerful defensive cards such as Needle Worm, Metmal Jar, Hurricane, and Dark Corridor still not avaible in the US, but is still somewhat doable. The only problem is they rely heavily on Magician of Faith to recycle the necassary Card Destructions and Swords of Revealing Light, and also, the only way they will make you outpace themselves in drawing would be to dump their hand onto the field and play Card Destruction. The best way to counter this deck is to play a slightly oversized beatdown deck. Once Magic Ruler comes in, more aspects of Metagame will have to be taken into consideration, such as Toon World. I'll write more then, if needed. If you need help with anything, you can email me at, or if your really smart, just go to a qualified webpage like pojo or edo's website. 'til next time __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Finance - Get real-time stock quotes