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The Wicked Worm Beast Combo.
Wicked Worm Beast
Sword of Deep-Seated
Invigoration (Optional Extra Power)
Beast Fangs (Optional Extra Power)
Witch of Black Forest/Sangan (To get the WWB)  
Card Destruction (Optional Card Drawing)
7 tools of the Bandit
Ultimate Offering
Remove Trap
                        Play the Wicked Worm Beast. Use Forest and Sword of Deep-Seated to power him up to 2100/1400, Invigoration to get to 2500/1200 (Exactly equal to a Summoned Skull), and Beast Fangs to Bring him to 2800/1500. This should enable him to destroy any of your opponents monsters.
If not, use Raigeki or other Magic to kill them. Use Ultimate Offering to fill up your field, and remove trap on it so your opponent dosen't get the benefit. At the end of your turn, WWB bounces back to your hand, and SODS to  the top of your deck. Your opponent will probably play a monster. On your turn, Draw Sword of Deep-Seated, Play Wicked Worm Beast, and power him up to 2100/1400 (Field Power Bonus). Use 7 tools on any opossing traps, and your opponent can't use Magic on WWB because on their turn, he's in your hand. Use Card Destruction after playing your cards to get new ones (Because you keep drawing SODS, and UO/RT if your opponet uses magic to destroy other monsters.