Here are 10 steps to building a great deck. Step 1: Pick a type for your deck. Examples are, Beatdown, Monster Removal, Direct Damage, Exodia, and Hand Disruption. Step 2: Pick a monster type. Dark, Light, Water, Fire, Earth, Wind. Step 3: Pick a Monster and a theme for your deck. Here are the monsters and themes most commonly used for each deck. Beatdown: Girai Gumos, Dark Elfs, La Jiinns and 7 Colored Fished-Get your strong monsters out early Monster Removal: Barrel Dragon-Use his effect and try to keep the opponents monsters off the field. Direct Damage: Catapult Turtle Play your defence monsters, use shield and sword and use catapult turtle to fire the monsters. Exodia: EXODIA!! Use WotBF and Sangans to colllect exodia peices and use swords of revealing light to stall. Hand Disruption: Robbin Goblin Use white magical hats, card destructions and Robbin goblins to destroy the opponents hand. Step 4: Add Monster Cards to your deck. Try to keep it between 20-25. Step 5: Add Staple cards for your deck. Some of them iI said above. Add the "Super 6"(Monster Reborn, Change of Heart, Raigeki, Dark Hole, Pot of Greed and Mirror Force) Step 6: Add the suited magic and trap cards for your deck. 7-Test and look for weaknesses. Add cards that could help your weakness. 8-Look for combos and write the best ones down. 9-Write out your deck. Rewiew, Revice and Redo if nessicary. 10-Test against your friends or yourself before going to tourneys. Heres an Example of mine! 1: Monster Removal with a bit of Hand Disruption. 2: Dark Fiends 3: Barrel Dragon 4: Sanga of Thunder, x3 Summoned Skulls, King of Yamimakai, x2 La Jinns, x2 7 colored zfishes, x3 Man eater Bugs, x2 Wall of Illusions, WotBF,x2 Magicial of Faith, Witch's Apprentice, Big Eye, x2 White Magical Hat, Masked Sorseror, 5: Monster Reborn, Change of Heart, Raigeki, Dark Hole, Pot of Greeed, Mirror Force. 6-Tribute to the Doomed,Heavy Storm, x2 Fissure, x2 Soul Exchange, x2 Card Destruction, x2 Sword of ark Destruction, x2 dark Energy, x3 Trap Hole, x1 Magic Jammer, x1 Robbin Goblin, x2 Waboku, 7-Weaknesses: Defence, Magics ancd traps. 7 Tools od the Bandit, x1 Man eater bug, x1 Magic Jammer 8- Combos: Raigeki+Robbin Goblin (I could put a lot more. try and find some for yourself) 9-Im not going to write out my deck because its very long and I already put it in smaller parts. 10- cant do it here GOODLUCK!! Remember to keep your deck as small as possible. If you would like to contact me or ask questions or suggestions, contact me at _________________________________________________________________ Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device: