just more clarifications on tips for july 17th One thing to start off. As people seem to think you can use trap hole on monsters even many turns after it was summoned, I decided to contact a representative at Upperdeck. What's more official than that? When I emailed them, they clearly stated that you can only use trap hole when the monster is summoned on the same turn. For krazemonkie@aol.com's tip: Although counter trap cards do state that they must be activated as the monster is summoned, there is no where does it state that counter trap cards are the only such cards that can do this. Trap hole can only be used as the monster is summoned, once the player enters tha battle phase, it is too late for you to use trap hole on the monster that was summoned. for Warulf correction: I have no idea where people get the idea that they cant use traps on your turn. The rulebook states that "You can set these cards on the field and activate them at any time after the start of your opponent's next turn." All it means is that you can use traps whenever you want, just as long as they have been face down for 1 turn. For blue eyes combo GAbe's tip: There are many things that the opponent can do. ie: raigeki, dark hole, magic jammer, the list goes on... For Dragon Slayer's tip: while it does work, there were some unecessary steps. A common mistake with Lord of d: people think it protects dragons from everything. That is wrong. It only protects dragons from effects, magic, and traps that specifically designate a target. What that means is where the player himslef chooses which monster will be the target of some card. Since the player has absolutely no say in which monsters will be killed by dark hole, the lord of d. will not save dragons from dark hole. However, with traps such as trap hole and 2 pronged attack, where the player chooses which monster will be affeted, lord of d. will save dragons from that. So as for the tip, the fissure was completely unecessary. BTW, lord of d. will also not save dragons from fissure. For dbzfreak9910@hotmail.com's tip: Ultimate offering does not let you just bring out a gate guardian. Notice where it says it allows extra normal summons, not special summons. And you CAN bring back fusions and specail summon monsters, just as long as they were summoned in the first place properly. That's all for July 17th and questions or comments go to wartortle23@yahoo.com wartortle23 __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Autos - Get free new car price quotes http://autos.yahoo.com