Top 10 Most Underrated cards: 10. Waboku - A great defensive card that makes Wall of Illusion completely reusable, and almost invincible. Depletes the Battle Damage of ALL your opponent’s monsters, which will always buy you at least a turn or two. A good stall card for when you need combos… PLUS this card can be a very painful lesson to those players that like using Dark Elves and Jirai Gumos. 9. Soul Release – If your enemy likes recycling, like we all do… you can easily toss them a curve ball by removing all their good monsters, magic, and traps before they get revived. This is currently the best Anti-Magician of Faith and Anti-Mask of Darkness we have. 8. Princess of Tsurugi – Play this right after your opponent uses Heavy Storm and you’ve got a ticket straight to mass damage, plus its just annoying. This card also goes great up against Equipment decks… they say 1500 at most… I say use some STRATEGY and nail them for 2000. Players are still more afraid of Card Destruction than Heavy Storm. CD is not only more available, but with CD, players can avoid nuking their own magics and traps by placing them down. 7. Soul Exchange – Sure you lose a Battle Phase for a tribute… but it all depends what you are Tributing for. Getting Summoned Skull rocks, but there are also other good cards like Cannon Soldier and Catapult Turtle whose effects CAN use this. So what if you lose a Battle Phase… you just nuked their powerful monster AND did 500+ direct damage. 6. Fake Trap – Heavy Storms are becoming quite popular these days, as will some other magic/trap destruction cards coming out. So… why nuke YOUR own traps… let THEM play the Storm and destroy whatever they have and just smile when you flip this. Same goes for Trap Masters and Remove Traps and those sort. For the same reason people removed Yami from their decks is why you should remove Heavy Storm, let them play it and sit back and laugh. 5. Trap Master – Traps are more popular now, a MAJORITY of the cards that are placed on the field nowadays are Traps. That little ‘might be a Magic Card’ downside has almost completely gone away, so why not take out a Trap Hole or Mirror Force or Magic Jammer. 4. Masked Sorcerer – Drawing power is restricted, period. This is good for decks with a lot of monster removal because you are quite OFTEN left with an open field… he cant be Trap Hole on his own either, so you may as well draw a card for the damage you do. Want to draw a 2nd card… then place down a Trap Hole of your own… anything that can kill him is LIKELY to be over 1000, so Trap Hole it. 3. Sangan – The rating the people on Pojo gave this was just sad. Just because a monster has less than 1500 ATK doesn’t mean it isn’t good. Can anybody say Magician of Faith, Mask of Darkness, Big Eyes, Man-Eater Bug, Wall of Illusion, Hane-Hane, Cannon Soldier, Catapult Turtle, Trap Master, Witch’s Apprentice, Muka-Muka, Milus Radiant, Exodia, 2000 DEF monsters… and the list will only get BIGGER with each set. I hate it when players think that everything in Yu-Gi-Oh revolves around attack and attacking… there is this additional thing I call STRATEGY that many people need to learn to grasp, a good offense doesn’t mean you’ll win because if you rely on pure offense against someone like me… chances are, you’ll end up getting killed by my Kuriboh. 2. Last Will – Deck speed eat your heart out. Got a Dragon Deck, Harpie Deck or Exodia Deck that needs speed? THIS is your card… well this and Cannon Soldier which I’ll get to in a moment. Most players ignore this card because they aren’t thinking quite far enough ahead. I’ll pair this cards review with Cannon Soldier and you’ll see what I mean. 1. Cannon Soldier – Underrated absolutely, this card has been the complete and total bane and doom of almost every single one of my opponents in the last few weeks and now we’ll get to why in the following paragraph. Cannon Soldier and Last Will… remember when you used to play Pokemon on your little gameboy color and you realized that Extremespeed and Curse went together to become one of the most powerful combos in the game… well, this is kind of like that. There are a ton of circumstances under which Last Will and Cannon Soldier can either make you the game or at least save it for you, and Ill demonstrate how. In all these scenarios, lets say you have both of these monsters in your hand or on the field even. -You summon Cannon Soldier and it gets hit by Trap Hole: Fine activate Last Will and bring out what you need as a Special Summon. Got Egotist and need Harpie Lady… here you go. Got Flute and need Lord… here you go. Got an open field and need Wall of Illusion… here you go. Need something else to fling monsters… snag Cannon Soldier or Catapult Turtle. For Exodia decks, use this to get your Sangans and Witches TO THE FIELD so that they may die and get you an Exodia piece. -You summon Cannon Soldier and nothing happens: Then activate your Last Will, and tribute the Soldier to his own effect (yes you can, its in the rulings on Edo’s, same goes for the Turtle) and snag what you need. -You summon Cannon Soldier and you’ve got your Sangan or Forest Witch on the field: Tribute them, activate the Will… special summon what you need and pull as nifty monster to your hand or Exodia piece to your hand. -You summon Sangan or Forest Witch with Cannon Soldier on the field: Same as above. -Soul Exchange + Double-Tribute monster + Last Will: Yes you must skip your battle phase, but hey, you get to special summon a monster from your deck to absorb a Fissure. -You attack and it turns out to be MEB: Well, you can special summon something during your Main Phase 2… so at least you won’t be nearly as vulnerable. The key to this combo is that it DRASTICALLY increases the speed of decks that require you to get specific monsters to the field. This combo can be an essential KEY to Dragon, Harpie, and Exodia decks. Plus, you get to use their own Trap Holes and MEBs against them if done the right way. This can also be a key to those decks that enjoy using high DEF monsters combined with Shield & Sword. When future sets come out that contain things like Millennium Shield and Labyrinth Wall, this kind of combo will gain even more power. You can feel free to email me for questions and stuff, just don’t go criticizing my combo too much because it works just fine and I use it all the time with my Harpie Deck against completely expert players with good decks all the time, though I only use the Harpies for fun and my normal deck is very good in its own right. A little constructive criticism is certainly a good thing and can go a long way. Good luck and good dueling… this has been another installment of MajinUltima’s tips and rants and stuff. AIM: MajinUltima MSN: _________________________________________________________________ MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos: