Subject: Sword of Deep-Seated tip. A lot of ppl have been criticizing this card recently because it can jam up your deck... Well, you know me and you know how I love those card rulings I find on that site I post in most of my messages here on pojo... well heres to 2 for SoDD: Sword of Deep-Seated [j. Sword of Tenacity] Category: Power Up / Deck Manipulation Type: Equipment -If placed in a Graveyard from the Field, it MUST be placed on top of your deck. -Only goes to the top of a deck when placed in a Graveyard from the FIELD. Well, thats not as bad now because if it gets discarded from your hand, it wont be recycled, so you could just keep it in your hand until an opportune moment arises. Another thing ppl only seem to focus on is the ATK boost SoDS gives... well it does boost DEF too and that can make a difference, especially to how it is used. Wall of Illusion + SoDSD = 2350 + reuturn to hand which isnt half bad, plus having 1500 ATK when the field is clear is another good thing. It gives Giant Soldier of Stone 1800/2500 which is nothing to scoff at... 2300 ATK La Jinn.... 2700 Jirai Gumo... 2500 Dakr Elf... 3000 Summoned Skull... Its a great boost card, and just needs to be used carefully... Id never put more than 1 in my deck, but that 1 can still have a lot of uses... this card is great in decks with a lot of monsters, because even if it gets recycled, youll probably have a monster to at least defend your LP for 1 more turn. A lesson I learned real fast with these cards is not to underestimate common cards... if anyone knows what Fiber Pod, Cyber Pod, Soul Release, Book of the Moon, and various other future cards are capable of... then youll truly understand how some common cards can be worht playing in certain decks. _________________________________________________________________ Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device: