" LP Combo " - By Dan Wolff E-Mail: dwolff2388@hotmail.com Cards Needed: Hane-Hane The Immortal of Thunder Strategy: If you use the FLIP effect of The Immortal of Thunder then use Hane-Hanes effect, you gain 3000 LIFE POINTS and the Immortal of thunder can't be killed, if you use hane-hanes effect to return him to your hand. TIP: . If you want to use Dian Keto then you could get from 3000-6000 life points back. Advantage: The Immortal of Thunder, when sent to the graveyard from your field, you lose 5000 life points this way you gain life points by fliping him first and he is free from danger when sent to your hand. _________________________________________________________________ Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device: http://mobile.msn.com