Joker Dark- Magic Ruler Decks
    Since  Magic Ruler is coming, I might as give u some warnings
of what decks might be a threat Like Metal Raiders, u never know
what to expect, so what are u doing. Look down, and listen to
what i'm going to say.
Decks we Know Of
F/S ( Fiend/ Spellcaster) Beatdown
    Every set that comes out will majorly improve this deck, believe me.
If ur beatdown deck has many equipment cards, then ur deck must
need Mother Willow, which increases its power by 500 for each
equipment card on it. Also, a lot of very powerful equipment cards
are introduced, like Demon Axe and Horn of Light. Also, Megamorph
is a powerful addition to this deck. Beatdown gets more power with
this deck.
Dragon Deck
    I guess the new addition to the dragon group is Dragon Egg and Diamond
Dragon, huge dragon walls that can stall almost the whole game with
their high defense points. There isn't much of a strenghten in this deck, so
there won't be many people playing it.
Direct Damage
    This decks gets somewhat of power. Time Bomber is what will be the downfall
of many Beatdown decks. Giant Virus also catches people off guard. Plus, other
monsters like Amoneba make ur opponent think twice before ur opponent plays cards
like Change of Heart. This deck is probably the only one that can stand up against
the Beatdown.
    The biggest improvement is the Labyrinth Wall, he biggest defense mon in the game.
Plus, having Transit Tax and Emissary of Peace will make it a lot easier to stall the game
with. Exodia gets easier and easier to play with every set.
Decks That U Might Need to Fear.
Toon Terror
    A name best suited for it. Attack with many toon monsters, which the opponent
most of the time can't block with since Toons can only be blocked by toons. So, they
can attack directly if only u have toons and ur opponent doesn't. However, Toon World
can easily be destroyed by the common de-spell, and once its gone, ur  toons are gone. The
easiest way to end this gam now would be to combine this with Ultimate Offering, but remember
that toons sacrifce ur lp to be summoned.
Power Punch
    Remember  those "what are these cards good for" like Milus Radiant, Bladefly, and Star Boy? Well, with
the field cards act like these creatures so what should u do if u could get a 1000 or 2000 atk def bonus or
somethin. Light should be very popular with Blue Eyes included in decks.
Hhhhhmmmmmmmmmmm..................... I think that was  it, or was it???? Wanna know more?
Email me at
If someone see me in he tourney, well I'll tell them I like Toons.