Wrom: SHJEXXIMQZUIVOTQ Subject: Ultimate Deck Building Guide - Zach ok if u want to make a deck thats perfect for u and YOU only, then heres what u do 1. figure out how u want to beat your opponent, for example most people right now like decks with strong monsters in them. but u might prefer direct damage. 2. once u have figured that out then that is the theme of your deck. Now since u have your theme, get cards that are DIRECTLY related to your theme. example if u do choose direct damage then you'll want magic cards like ookazi and Tremendous fire 3. once u have all the cards that relate to your theme, get the cards that indirectly relate to your theme. example: many times if u have a strong monster out on the field but everyone is defense u think u can't do damage to their lifepoints, but if u put magics such as stop defense, then there is your ticket to doing more damage to their lifepoints. 4. after u have done all of this, get staple cards for your deck. staple meaning cards that are found in almost every deck such as dark hole and raigeki. 5. the last step is to test your deck. duel a couple of times to see how your deck works and take out the cards that didn't really help u and replace them with cards that u think might have worked better in the same situation. 6. then the bonus step would be to fix your deck unless u want it the way that it is.