Subject: The THIRD Card Destruction!!!-Yifei W. Do u have a third card destruction? we all know that you cant use it! but have to fear cuz here's another way to get your rid of your opponents hand! 1. cards you need: 2 hane-hanes if opponent has any monsters on the field (regeki also works but hane-hane has a better effect), roblin goblin, and any other monsters of your choice (the more the better) 2. hane-hanes (or regeki) to return your opponent's monsters to their hand( regeki destroys all your opponent's monsters), then flip your roblin goblin. attack with all your might(hope u have filled your monster field!!:) and you will probably destroy most of your opponent's hand while your hand is still staying! use White magical hats when you dont have enough monsters on the field. pros: 1. destroy your opponent's hands 2. stop them from using good cards 3. might destroy their plans too 4. works as a card destruction except you get to keep your hand and they dont draw the number of cards they threw away 5. they might have a good monster that your wanted to reborn:) cons: 1. they might not have any cards in their hands:( 2. might destroy your roblin goblin before your can use it:( 3. have bad cards that they wanted to get rid of anyways:( This is a combo for people who are desperate for another card destruction. This combo might even beat your opponent because of the direct damage with your monsters. hope you liked this strategy and happy dueling! Yifei Wang _________________________________________________________________ Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device: