Wrom: WCUFPEGAUTFJMVRE I have a lot of metal raider cards in here just FYI 10) Raigeki- cool card that destroys oppenents cool cards
9) Seven Tools of Bandit- this card negetates openents traps
8)Magic Jammer- What was that? SoRL? I don't think so
7) Gate Gaurdian- Most powerful card raw force wise for awhile
6) Red-Eyes Black Dragon- My first rare, has won me many duels
5)Change of Heart- take their card and sac it for yours
4)Black Skull Dragon- 2nd best attacking monsters made w/ 2 other top tens
3) Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon- first turn 2800/2100 before they have cards that can
       counter? Bliss
2) Summoned Skull- 1 sac for 2500 Attk? instant top ten
1) And it is.... Surprise! Sword of Deep Seated! This is the best powerup out there! 500 Attack and def? Awsome! It comes back to the top of my deck? even better! Nic (aka galibalt) galibalttco@hotmail.com