Subject: Kino's Yu-gi-oh! Top 10 List - Top 10 Cards of Advanced Format 10. Exiled Force - Get rid of ANY monster, face down, face up, any side of the field! very versatile and has warrior support! a great card to get rid of that pesky cyber/fiber jar, or even BLS! 9. Tribe Infecting Virus - Discard a card from your hand (Sinister serpent!) or chaos food, or things you can revive, to discard every monster on the field of the type you declaired! (warrior... beast..) Excellent! 8. Call of the Haunted - Monster revival for free! almost instant (being a trap card slows it down) - plus, it can be activated in your opponents turn, This card is Game-Breaking, a staple in almost every deck. 7. Premature Burial - A great monster revival like the above, at the small fee of 800lp, you can get 1 monster on your side of the field, from your grave! a great topdeck, and overall, a mint card! 6. Change of Heart - Take your opponents monster and do as you please! at no cost! tribute it, attack with it, simply take it to attack directly! 5. Snatch Steal - A permenent change of heart! get your opponents monster for ever! however, they recover 1000lp each turn, but who cares, when you can flip it face down to keep the card, a very good card, staple in every deck in my opinion. 4. Torrential Tribute - Staple, goes in every decks trap slots, a dark hole as soon as they summon, special summon, ETC! and no attack requirment like Trap hole/Bottemless Trap hole! 3. Sinister Serpent - Staple! get it back, discard it - get it back, use it as defence and get it back! a great card! 2. Black luster soldier - Envoy of the beginning - Need I say more? This card is just MINT! Broken infact! remove any monster card from play (even that facedown cyber/fiber jar!) And - Gets to attack twice! This card is deadly. 1. Pot of Greed - The best card of all time! Staple in EVERY DECK!! (exept for heart of the underdog) draw this, bing! 2 more cards, thins your deck.. best topdeck... Best Card... EVER! If you have any questions email me on: -Kino