LDiablo's top ten cards i want to see in america send emails to: LDiablo2169@aol.com 10: Shield Crush: This card destroys any defense monster on the field, like crossout but you arent limited to face downs and it doesnt remove the monster from play. 9:King's,Queen's and Jack's Knight: Not very Impressive Warriors but good for theme decks. 8:Rocket Warrior: 1500 atk is a bit low but, hes a warrior and when he attacks not only does he survive battle without damage,but he also drops a monster by 500. A pretty decent card 7; Soultaker: Destroys a monster on the field and you opponent gains 1000 lp, not a bad trade off 6: Gilford the Lightning: 2800 atk warrior with a raigeki effect but you have to sac 3 monsters, brutal when pulled off 5: Dimensional Magic: Eventhough i love warriors, spellcasters are still my second fave, this quick play spell sacs a monster on you side of the field to not only summon a spellcaster from your hand but destroy a monster instantly, the FTK possiblities are endless 4: Reversal of Worlds: This trap exchanges you and your opponents graveyard with your decks at the cost of having 15 or more cards in your grave. this card and makyura spells doom for anyone 3: Shrink: Any quick-play that can drop any monster by half is too good not to have 2: Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon: The king of monsters, 4500 atk and more or less, the most sought after japanese card in the us (mostly by kaiba fans) 1: Dragon Master Knight: Hard to summon but he boost himself for every dragon is the grave and 5000 base atk is nothing to scoff at. feel free to send mail, hate or otherwise i dont really care. LATER