Edzel's Yu-Gi-Oh Top 10 Most Waste of Cards EVER


And the countdown starts...



10. A Man With Wdjat- This card is just...bleh. Select one set card on your opponent's side of the field and look at it? That's like staring at a chainsaw as it comes near your face. VERY HELPFUL.


9.Fiend Comedian- Okay, way too chancy. Besides if you call it wrong, the consequences are worse to you than the consequences to your opponent are if you call it right. And if you run a small deck, well...


8. Insect Princess- A card that counts on your opponent running an insect deck? Very, very unlikely. And I've seen better insect costumes than that at Party Packagers.


Tie for 6. Skull Mark Ladybug- Deja vu! Yeah the person who made this and Burning

Algae probably had some serious deja vu. Like the kind of deja vu you might have when you do something completely stupid TWICE.


6. Burning Algae- Increase your opponent's life points by 1000?!? They should have called this "Burning Card" because I'm gonna light this stupid thing on fire right now.


5. Sand Stone-1 tribute for 1300 attack? Self explanatory. His stength is shown on his illustration. He's getting beat up by a vine. POWERFUL!


4. Gate Guardian- This is very...words can't even DESCRIBE the stupidity of this card. He's impossible to get out for one thing. Plus you have to sacrifice 9 monsters to get him. Whoopee?


3. Fusionist- Yes let's fuse a monster with another monster to form a weaker monster than one of fusion material monsters. Genius strategy. This is like, the most complete waste of paper ever. Plus its ugly. VERY ugly.


2. Gaia the Fierce Knight- If you don't understand why this is on the list, you're most likely the kind of person who'd put one in their deck.


1. Winged Dragon of Ra- Ahahah! Okay, you can't even play this in an official duel. So what are you supposed to do, SIT THERE AND STARE AT IT? If I could rename this, I would call it "Winged Dragon of Ratardedness." No, actually it's not even a dragon. It's a bird.


By: Edzel


E-mail me at operationcow@hotmail.com.