Time Mage's Top Ten Cutest Female Cards


OK, here’s something not-new, but still unique. I think a lot of you ladies are tried of us men writing those sick and perverted ‘Top Ten Sexiest Cards’ lists. Well, I thought I’d write mine, knowing it’ll be very different. Why? Because I don’t CARE about any of the stuff that they’re judging. I actually DELIGHT in plainness, and so I’ve created this out of respect for both those who have previously been insulted by the strange lists already done. So, here we go (This is 10: My least of my tops, and 1: My overall favorite):

10- Magician’s Valkyrie: OK, this slightly more modest version of Dark Magician Girl has managed to cover herself up enough to make the cut (Although she could do with a longer skirt and covered shoulders).

9- Dunamis Dark Witch: Here’s another card that has similar issues as the above-mentioned Valkyrie. However, she’s got enough to make the cut.

8- Guardian Angel Joan- Modest and radiant. She could do with more sleeve, and I wont say that I’, won over by short hair, but she pulls it over well. Her covered body and simple face are truly lovely to me.

7-Magician of Faith: Pure and modest, with a cute face to match. Can’t help but like that.

6-Dark Elf: Nice long hair and an admirable face, I like it. If only she had some shoulders on that dress of hers.

5-Valkyrie Brunhile: Here’s a card only from the Anime so far, and appeared only a few weeks back, but I think she actually quite attractive. Long hair, silver armor that covers her body, and nothing that really sucks my attention to other parts of her body.

4-Change of Heart- Here’s a cute card that is not only deadly, but pretty. The simple face and garment are a very nice attraction.

3-Goddess Urd: Another strictly Anime card, Urd has a strong face that tells us she is serious, yet gentle all the same. I’d date her if I could.

2-Goddess Skuld- Here’s another card from just the Anime, but again I couldn’t resist. The adorable locks of blue hair and innocent face really pull me in.

And now, number one is:

Isis Ishtarl: OK, so she’s not a card. But still, she is the one true goddess of what I see as love! Call me insane, but Isis the one person (Real or fictional) that I’m truly attracted to. Go ahead, hate me for it. Refer me to a councilor. My love for this angelic being is unsurpassed (Except for by those scary fan-girls that drool over the Yami’s).

OK, so there ya go. If anyone thinks I was hypocritical here, I’m truly sorry. I really was trying to pick cards that are fairly modest. Anyway, my email is YamiMaster@email.com and my AIM screen name is YamiMasterX. Until next time, see ya.

Time Mage
