jacobs top ten gameboy promos


jacobs top ten gameboy promos    ( this list is in no particular order)
10.Alpha,Beta,Gamma, Valkyrion- These guys own Gate guardian and his pieces. They don't even need to be on the field at the same time or at all. Valkyrion fixes Blue Eyes little red wagon easily.
9. Exchange- This along with Dark Designator can be really effective on your opponents Riageki, Dark Hole, or Mirror Force.
8.Metalmorph- raising a monsters attack by a mere 300 atk. points is really crappy. However, when the equipped monster attacks, you can raise its atk. by half of the opposing monsters'. that is what makes this trap exceptional. nothing else about this thing is, that's for sure ^_^
7.Sinister Serpent- This pesky critter never stays dead and is used in quite a few combos. Tribute to the doomed and Tribe infecting virus are great cards to use with this. its atk. and def. points stink though ^_^.
6.Harpies Feather Duster-  this staple goes into every deck. One simple dusting off is all it takes for your opponent to get ticked off. ( situation: opponent- "i have no monsters on the field and five cards facedown. do you dare attack?" You- "Harpies Feather Duster!" your opponent- "noooooooooo!!!!!!!!"
5. Kinetic Soldier- with DNA Surgery, this guy is a beast. His atk. almost reaches a pumped up Injection Fairy Lily. Even without it, it still puts Don Zaloog, Marauding Captain, Freed the matchless general, and Envoy of the Beginning in their places.
4. Graceful Dice- Although (seriously) toned down from the series, it's still a formidable card to make your opponent cry.
3. Skull Dice- Same thing.
2. Fairy King Truesdale-  Unless the errata is placed, this thing is the undisputed champion of 1 tribute monsters. Even with the errata, it would still be on the list. It makes Bean Soldier and Lekunga savage Beatsticks to be reckoned with.
1. Slate Warrior- This guy slices and dices your opponent in more ways than one. Its atk. can be increased, it makes one of your opponents monsters' atk, decrease, and it, of course, can attack your opponent. An all purpose dude to be reckoned with. ( I think WC4 has the overall greatest set of promos so far)
Well, thats it. the top ten promos most or all of which you hope to never suffer at the hands of.   Look out for my next article, top ten IOC cards ( if it gets posted of course) My names jacob in case you have not read my past articles. my email is: Yugiohfankise@aol.com