Subject: Top Twenty Favorite Normal Monsters


Hiya! This new Top 10 list is inspired by all the cool cards that support Normal Monsters, so here is the Top 20 list of my all-time favorite Normal Monsters! This list includes both English and Japanese cards, and the English ones also have their original Japanese names on the side, like my last Top 10 list. Anyway, here we go!

20) Vishwar Randi--If you have played the Yu-Gi-Oh video games, you may have heard of this Dark Warrior. She is a Level 3 with 900 ATK and 700 DEF. She, like a huge majority of the female monsters, is edited; her original artwork doesn’t have that blue thing covering up her collarbone. She is pretty much the Succubus Knight’s little sister, only much more sensual in appearance. Since she is a warrior, she benefits from Fusion Sword Murasame Blade, which makes her ATK 1700.

19) Maiden of the Moonlight--Wow, I like the small replica of the moon she has made with her hands... Maiden of the Moonlight is an OK Light Spellcaster with an average 1500 ATK. Konami/Upperdeck really needs to come up with some cards that support Level 4 Normal Monsters.

18) Cosmo Queen--I totally dig her huge hat! She also has a nice 2900 ATK, and she can be a one-tribute summon with Double Coston.

17) Dark Blade/Dark World Warrior Dark Sword--Dark Blade rocks with his Pitch-Black Dragon Union Monster buddy. The dragon ups his ATK by 400, making him 2200, plus he has a trample effect. Just watch out for Goblin Attack Forces and Mystical Space Typhoons.

16) X-Head Cannon--This is one of Seto Kaiba’s monsters. This Machine looks so tight! I would love to get all the XYZ monsters. They rule!

15) The Luster Dragons/Emerald and Sapphire Dragon--Two of my most favorite Dragons! Both look awesome and Sapphire gets extra cool points for looking really tough with its scaly appearance!

14) Red Eyes Black Dragon--This is my second favorite Dragon, with Meteor Black Dragon being my most favorite. It’s about time old Red Eyes got some support cards! That baby Red Eyes from Soul of the Duelist can get him Special Summoned on the field from your hand when you use its effect to put in in the Graveyard. I’ve always liked Red Eyes better than the Blue Eyes White Dragon, and wished it was Red Eyes with 3000 ATK. He looks much, much cooler!

13) Archfiend Soldier/Demon Soldier--Demon Soldier is one of my all-time favorite Fiend/Demon-type monsters. He also has 1500 DEF, in which Witch of the Black Forest can search for with the greatest of ease.

12) Lady of Faith/High Priestess--I’ve always had a thing for Lady of Faith. Now with the new Sword of the Soul Eater from Ancient Sanctuary, she, like a whole lot of Level 3 and lower Normal Monsters now, can be a whole lot more playable. The thought of a 3100 ATK Lady of Faith just makes me want to be as giddy as a school girl.

11) Red Archery Girl/Bow-Drawing Mermaid--Yu-Gi-Oh mermaids own! I also love Red Archery Girl for three reasons: 1) She is an archer, and I love archers. 2) I fell head over heels for her when I saw the episode when Yugi finally duels Pegasus. 3) She’s a Water Monster, and I love Water Monsters! Duh!

10) Fairy’s Gift/Faerie’s Gift--Here’s another cool Light Spellcaster. Poor Fairy’s Gift was edited, too; she was once completely nude in the original version.

9) Sonic Duck--Sonic Duck is here for only one reason: now with Ancient Sanctuary out, you can make it a god. Level Limit--Area B makes it so that all beatdown monsters Level 4 and above can’t attack at all, leaving Sonic Duck to smash through their pathetic low DEFs and maybe get its other two brothers to peck 3400 ATK Direct Damage into your opponent. Want to get the Ducks out in a hurry? The Enchanted Fitting Room Spell Card can do that just find, that is, if you are lucky enough to draw that extra Sonic Duck.

8) Harpie Lady/Harpy Lady--Although I like the Harpy Lady SB better, I like the original Harpy Lady, too. She is one of the lucky ladies, along with Maiden of the Aqua, that remained unedited in the English card game. Buy one and experience the magic yourself!

7) Dunames Dark Witch/Dunamis Valkyria--One of my favorite Fairies/Angels! Dunamis Valkryia is only 1800 ATK, but with Cestus of Dagula, she can heal you up Life Points while she Battle Damages your opponent. Her artwork is spectacular, too.

6) The Gagagigos--Yup, I’m putting all the Gagagigos in this spot. Gagagigo will be killing your opponent once you have A Legendary Ocean and Level Limit--Area B on your field. Giga Gagagigo will rule the field with A Legendary Ocean alone; just make sure to put up a Magic Reflector to keep ALO from being nuked. Gogiga Gagagigo will be awesome once Higeasoku comes out in the new American Yu-Gi-Oh set after Ancient Sanctuary, and Gigobyte will rock once you combo Triangle Power and Human-Waver Tactics together. After that, you can retrieve your Gigobytes with Salvage and use Triangle Energy again, if you wish.

5) Dark Magician/Black Magician--When Yu-Gi-Oh first started, everyone didn’t even bother looking at Dark Magician. He required two Tributes and Summoned Skull was way better back then. But when Magician’s Force was released in the States, all that changed. Little by little, support for Yugi’s main monster increased, and now in Ancient Sanctuary, Dark Magic Attack has put the finishing touch to this guy’s growing supremacy. In addition, whereas Blue Eyes White Dragon can destroy all your opponent’s monsters with his Burst Steam of Destruction Spell Card, but cannot attack, Dark Magician destroys all of your opponent’s Spell/Traps, and can attack in the same turn. Wow. No wonder I liked the guy in the first place.

4) Gemini Elf--The first Level 4 1900 ATK monster is also the nicest 1900 ATK monster to look at. The twins, however, were edited to the extreme. They once were wearing strapless gowns, with some of the best female cleavage the Japanese Yu-Gi-Oh cards could provide.

3) Summoned Skull--Summoned Skull used to be one of the best one-tribute monsters ever, but now with Vampire Lord and Jinzo, he sadly has fallen off the face of the earth. He will still be one of the best one-tribute Normal Monsters, though, for nothing else can match his strength.

2) Beautiful Headhuntress/Beautiful Slayer--She’s a Japanese woman wielding a katana as big as she is. You may not like that, but I do! She’s even deadlier with Fusion Sword Murasame Blade, making her a 2400 ATK wonder woman! Cut all of those annoying Goblin Attack Forces into sushi! Plus you can retrieve both her and Murasame Blade with Dark Assembly Line (from Soul of the Duelist) and Spirit of the Spring, respectively.

1) Mystical Elf/Holy Elf--She is my most favorite Spellcaster of all. She only has 2000 DEF, but at least she’ll be safe from Berserk Gorilla. She also has some good support, since Backup Soldier and Light of Hope allows you to return her to either your hand or deck. I could never name any other female monster as beautiful or as elegant as Mystical Elf; there’s just something about her that really brings a smile to my face. I can say with ease that she is my soul card, and this is one card I do not ever want to forsake. And Konami, if you ever make an Effect Monster version of her, I will love you for life!

Well, got anything to say about this new Top, 20 list? You can e-mail me at Stay tuned for my next list!