Mega Mage3003's Top 10 List of What the Characters Would Never Ever Say


10. Kaiba: Forget Duel Monsters, I'm taking up Pokemon.

9. Tea: Crump, just attack me. My life was bad anyways.

8. Marik: LONG LIVE YUGI MOTO!!!!!

7. Yugi: Forget Duel Monsters, I'm taking up Duel Masters.

6. Joey: Yo Kaiba, where's my leash? I gotto go!!!


4. Joey: Forget Duel Monsters, I'm taking up Magic: The Gathering!

3. Kaiba: Yugi, forget dueling. I'm not gonna lose to Marik and get sent to the Shadow Realm!!! I DON'T WANNA GO BACK!!! Take Obelisk and leave me alone! *goes to cry in corner* *realizes room is circular* *cries even harder*

2. Yugi: Dark Magician, Thunderbolt Attack!!!

1. Yami Marik: Ra, spare Wheeler for now. I want him to defeat me, so go back to the Graveyard so I have no defense!!! Wheeler, attack me with your next monster and beat me. I'm not into ruling the world anymore.

And just something I thought up, a crazy blooper:

Yugi: Dark Magician, I summon you!
Treecko: Tree-CKO!!!
Yugi: O_O;; Uh, where's Dark Magician?
*Meanwhile, on the set of Pokemon*
Ash: Go, Treecko!!!
*Poke Ball opens and Dark Magician comes out*
Ash: O_O;;