 Top 35 Things in Yugioh that would Never Be Said


Hi I wanted to write this top 35OVERKILL!!!!) for fun (and making fun of the show)


Note these are in no particular order.


1. My slice of cardboard can't beat your slice of cardboard, so I'll use it to give you a paper cut until you bleed!

2. (Arkana)The energy blade thing doesn't really send you to the shadow realm. It cuts your legs off.

3. (Yugi/Kaiba)If I fall down a twenty story building, won't I go splat, and not go to the Shadow Realm?

4. (Yugi) Darn it! I messed up stacking my deck..err....drawing the card I need!

5. (Yugi again) Darnit! I didn't draw the last piece of Exodia and his army of monsters will kill me! (hand shot- Dark Hole, Yata, 4 exodia pieces, opponent 2 monsters)

6. (Kaiba) A sentence without the words "Egyptian", "God", and "Card" in them

7. (Tea)[during duel] Aww, Yugi is screwed.

8. (Yugi) I'm gonna save the world with slices of cardboard?

9. (Joey) I'm not beating Marik's sorry butt when he pointed his stick at me?

10. (One of Marik's victims) I want a stick like that!

11.(duel announcer)and now to trim down the number of duelists. Who would like to be shot first?

12. (Yugi) Crappy Photoshop graphics.

13. (Yugi) I use Big Shield Gardna. His sheild is really a spade. He uses it to keep his tulips alive.

14. (Kaiba) Any year now, I'll get a life.

15. (Yugi) Heart of the Cards! Guide Me! I have pulled the MetroCard card, so now I will take a bus, get a shotgun, and blast you!

16. (Marik) Party in the shadow realm!

17. (Marik) Are pharaohs still in power?

18. (Marik) Go Fish. (Yugi, after playing DD Designator) Wrong game.

19. (Kaiba) Screw Yugioh, I'm gonna play Pokemon!

20. (Pegasus) My golden eye... *guys walk in* You are under copyright laws because GoldenEye is a Bond movie. Pay me 100000 bucks and you can say golden eye.

21. (Bandit Keith, after going down the hole) WEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!

22. (Weevil, after Caterpie walks into his house) DAD!!!!!!

23. (Weevil after leaving Duelist Kingdom) Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream

Me beating Yugi is only a dream

24. (Pegasus) Your move Yugi-boy. (Yami) I'm 5000 years old. I ain't no boy.

25. (Voice of Yugi cast) Yugi---cough,cough

26. (Goon with antenna hairdo, cemo or whatever his name is) I am picking up cable! Who wants to watch football? (glasses flicker, screen appears) (goes to channel Yugioh is on) Yugi-hey, what are we watching? (Screen) What are we watching?

27. What is the word that means "the act of making an individual dead" again?

28 (Shadi) Why haven't I gotten out of this bath robe for 5000 years?

29 (Marik) Screw this pointy stick. (pulls AK-47)

30.(Yugi) Marik's Millineum Rod is nothing compared to my Magnum!

31. (Marik) pulls M-60 Now i will kil... er SEND YOU TO THE SHADOW REALM!!!!!! BANG BANG!!!

32. (Yugi) Kaiba, how do you always keep your jacket stretched taut? Kaiba- It's a dress.

33. (Yugi and Yami talking) Why haven't I changed my hairdo or gotten a haircut in 5000 years?

34. (Yugi, falls in ocean after Weevil throws his Exodia) Man, I spent $300 on this hairdo! (alternate) YAY! Now I can summon Exodia Necross!

35. (the Big 5) We're old.