S & B's Top 10 things you'll never hear from a Yugioh character


10. Kaiba- "Life's a game, if  you cant win don't play."



9. Shadi- "I have visited many minds, none as empty as my own."


8. Joey (To Weevil)- "Welcome to Looserville, Weevil. Population- You and Brittney Spears."


7. Noah- "Isn't it kinda weird my Deckmaster's an Ark? I better get two of every animal- A male and female dog, a male and female ant, a female monkey and Tristan."


6. Kaiba (To Joey)- "Here, take my leash, Wheeler."


5. Marik- "Why do people spell my name with an L? It's MaRRRRik! Now to do my weird face movement!" (FWSHOO!)


4. Ishizu (To Yugi)- "Take my Millenium Necklace. It couldn't tell me that Joey would walk into my room while I was taking a bath."


3. Yugi (Talking to Yami)- "I don't care if you like extra cheese! I only have so much money and I like peperoni!"


2. Yugi (talking to Yami when they first met)- "I know about split personalities, but this is a bit extreme."


And, prpeare to Rtflol...


1. Kaiba (to Ishizu)- "I don't have time to listen to your Egyptian Fairy tales! I have to go home and wait for the Tooth Fairy!"


Questions? Comments? Pizza Orders? Call Psychic3773@aol.com for this, and NEVER ask about spelling. Try me.