Matt's Top 10 list-Top Ten Dragons


This is my first list, and i do not play a dragon deck, but i think they are cool looking and awesome.


10. Blue Eyes white dragon-The original big beast monster. It is just a classic and still  a pretty good attacker. Maybe hard to summon but thats what lord of d. is for.


9. Blue Eyes toon dragon- A twist on a favorite. Maybe a little hard to get but it can be totally worth it for a direct attack.


8. Different dimension dragon- it is good with shining angel, and it is real hard to destroy. I think it is good enough for many dragon decks. 


7. Fiend Skull Dragon- A good attack with a good effect. Although its a fusion, you can use magical scientist or metamorphisis to get it. Hate fiber restarting the duel. Cyber blowing up the field etc. Just use him.


6. Luster Dragon(mfc)- Good 1900 attack. Only thing keeping it from higher rating is the 1600 defense so no witch. Its is still a good beatdown card and it gets the job done.


5.Troop Dragon- yes he is one of my favorite cards and for good reasons. He is gauranteed to get another one most of the time unless nobleman, dd warrior lady, dar magician of chaos and d.d. crazy beats, but its is uually gonna get another one and I think it is awesome.


4. Twin headed behemoth- He can comeback, and in my school most people have used it once, and some still have it in their deck and it is pretty good. It can be a good sacrifice and it makes people regret playing raigeki, dark hole or other. It is very good.


Now the top 3.


3. Tyrant dragon- It has an awesome attack that blows most monster, and it can attack two monsters. Oh yeh did i mention it cant be sakuretsu armored, ringed, bottomlessed or other specifically trap. To bad about the hard special summonig requirements, but it is very good in a dragon deck, and pretty good elsewhere.


2. Spear dragon- a solid attack of 1900 attack and a trample effect. That is awesome. oh well that it goes in defense, but that wont always be bad. your opponent has a big monster and a monster in defense, just have spear attack it and runaway sort of. He makes ur opponent hate a spirit reaper, and it is also good. He is one of the best dragons, and he is great in other decks.


and the number 1 is


CHAOS EMPEROR DRAGON- surprised. I hope not. It is an amazing card that can help get a 1 turn win. He has the same stats as BEWD and has a killer effect.This one card is the reason i lost a tournament. It beat me twice. It is incredible, and its a special summon. It is the greatest dragon ever and in my opinion, one of top ten cards EVER. He is the greatest thing to happen to dragons, and the game, since Yata Garasu. He is the greatest dragon ever. All other dragons shall bow down to your emperor. He is the king of destruction. He will destroy all. Ha ha ha ha ha ha.


So thats the list. Sorry about going all wierd on the chaos emperor dragon reason. Anyway, i hope you agree with my list. Now for some cards that were okay, but could not beat the competition, or i think are cool.


Spirit Ryu, The dragon dwelling in the cave, Tri horned dragon, Curse of dragon, Luster dragon(lod)


Thats it, hope i did good.

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