The best monsters in the game to day are


10.beatsticks-all in all u cant can a beat or anythin(besides exioda) without these they give u that extra 100 attack that makes them in the top 10



9 serchers-wobf and the little critter u gotta give them they probs i know i do i mean they can get almost if not every thing out if ur deck




8.tribe infecting virus-this is sinster serpents best friend plus it can stop those wacko spacegoats in 1 turn i think u should run it if u get it almost like they said abuse the bird abuse the wierd looking thingys



7.ddwl-come on with her effect she is begging and begging for that special little monster to attack plus is a light for a choas deck!!!!!



6.jinzo-at first was the big bad stuff and still is but unlike before isnt the toughest to get



5.breaker the magical warrior-is a simple beatstick when normal summon plus can put ur oppents mirror out for the count



4.vampire lord- this monster is saying i like mirror force,raigeki and dark hole and all other spells and traps with a passion



3 yata guras(spelling)-man o man o man where do i start this is a serect rare and is almost the best i mean this is a tourey legal god card when it gets to ur lp it is laughing and saying haha u cant draw over and over again




2 choas emeperor dragon- special summon monster with a bad ass effect plus let say they have an open field  i would be like attack and now i will blow it up in ur face hahaha



now the only the one best monster..............................................................................
 luster solider envoy the begnning- simple amazing is all i can say





my name is rocco email me if u want to agree disagree to rate decks or watnot





peaces yo